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Rotary provides millions in polio funding as wild poliovirus type 3 is eradicated

US$50 million will impact over 38 million children as the program reaches two key milestones: wild poliovirus type 3 eradication and Africa reaching three years with no wild poliovirus transmission...

World Polio Day cheers major achievements toward global polio eradication

By Ryan Hyland Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) are celebrating a major milestone this World Polio Day: confirmation that a second type of the...

Join us for Rotary’s World Polio Day Online Global Update

Mark your calendar to join us on 24 October for Rotary’s World Polio Day Online Global Update. It will be streamed on RI’s Facebook pages in multiple languages and time...

Hoops on the Hudson

In Yonkers, New York, a new basketball court four years in the making provides valuable life lessons to the community’s kids — and its adults By Bryan Smith You hear...

The price of polio

The price of polioMeet five Rotarians who understand the disease’s long-term consequences as told to Vanessa Glavinskas photography by Frank Ishman When you go to your Rotary club meeting this...

Aloha Rotary

Say hello to Honolulu, home to the 2020 Rotary International Convention. And the best way to see this island paradise? Hang with local Rotarians and Rotaractors. Story by Diana Schoberg...

The Rotarian Conversation: Denis Mukwege

The Rotarian Conversation:Denis MukwegeAs a doctor, this Congolese physician cares for women brutalized by sexual violence; as their champion, he cries out for justice. His efforts nearly cost him his...

The grief that does not speak

While dining with an old friend, an acclaimed Chicago author witnesses the enduring repercussions of violence By Alex Kotlowitz Illustrations by Zulema Williams Not long ago, over lunch at a...

The Rotarian Conversation: Alex Kotlowitz

The Rotarian Conversation:Alex KotlowitzNo matter your address, economic status, or trauma history, we are all neighbors, insists this astute observer of social imbalance Alex Kotlowitz is a scholar of inequity....

The wheel deal

The wheel dealThis 92-year-old Rotary club was once the place to see and be seen. But its numbers had dwindled. So one member took a unique approach to wooing new...