Rotary HoopAThon

April 20th, 2024

HoopAThon 2024

The Rotary Club of Lions Gate and Windsor Interact Club are supporting The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon for Local Communities. Money raised for this Giving Group will stay in their community and go to Scholarships for students who need financial assistance.

Your donation will stay in North Vancouver. The Rotary Club of Lions Gate and the Windsor Interact Club are holding a Hoop-A-Thon event to raise money for post-secondary scholarships going to Grade 12 students who have overcome challenges and require financial assistance. School Teachers and Counsellors will decide on the recipients. Please make a donation online. You will receive an instant tax receipt. Thank You.

Everyone is welcome to participate.

Location: Chief Joe Mathias Center, North Vancouver.

April 20th, 11:00am - 1:30pm

About Rotary HoopAThon

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