Year: 2020

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Nature & Nurture

The midmorning sun beats down on the García sisters as they smile and pose next to a colorfully painted sign that says Hogar de Mariposas: Home of the Butterflies. Karen...

Club banner exchanges showcase local flair, global friendship

One of Rotary’s most colorful traditions is members’ exchanging club banners. Clubs display their own decorative banners at meetings and district events, and Rotarians who travel to other countries often...

Hacking a solution to the COVID-19 pandemic

Rotarians in Lithuania and the United States promote the use of bubble helmets to help patients avoid mechanical ventilators by Arnold R. Grahl Rotarians in Lithuania and Chicago, Illinois, USA,...

Joint Statement from Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, Optimist International, and Rotary International

Joint Statement from Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, Optimist International, and Rotary International Woven through the fabric of virtually every community on earth, service clubs of Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs...

Rotary clubs help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads uncertainty and hardship around the world, Rotary members and participants are innovating, caring for those affected, and showing that even at a distance, there are...

Sarah Parcak and the secrets of the satellites

by Diana Schoberg portraits by Ian Curcio Sarah Parcak approaches the towering 40-foot-long creature. Its flashing rows of serrated teeth are built to grab flesh and crush bones. If it...

The Plastic Trap

Welcome to Plasticville: Population 7.8 billion We’ve lived in a synthetic world for more than 70 years. Susan Freinkel, author of Plastic: A Toxic Love Story, wonders how much longer...

Scientist, farmer, innovator, Rotarian

A plainsman with a PhD, Bob Quinn uses his 4,000-acre Montana spread as a laboratory to revive an ancient grain, rethink agricultural practices, and reinvigorate rural communities by Bryan Smith...


Since 2015, more than 4 million people have fled an economically devastated Venezuela. Tracking the stories of three who left puts faces on that staggering statistic by Vanessa Galvinskas Héctor...

More than a library

After the genocide of 1994, Rotarians led a successful campaign to build Rwanda’s first public library. A bastion against ignorance and tyranny, it has become a gathering place where a...